Shalini Singh is an Indian journalist. She is a Principal Correspondent for The Week newsweekly in Delhi. She's part of the Delhi bureau writing on a range of news-features, social trends with a focus on gender and women's issues, arts and culture. On a Centre for Science and Environment fellowship in 2010, Shalini exposed the illegal mining in the Indian state of Goa and the devastation caused from unplanned tourism.
Shalini Singh is a founding member of the CounterMedia Trust and a regular contributor to the People's Archive of Rural India.
For her work on environmental issues Shalini Singh received The Indian Express’ Ramnath Goenka award in 2013 and the first Cushrow Irani Prize given by The Statesman in 2011. Her citation for the prestigious Prem Bhatia award in 2012 commended her for her “vigilance, humane perspective and tenacity to pursue the issues that matter”.