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Sex Addicts Anonymous

Sex Addicts Anonymous (SAA) is a twelve-step program for people who want to stop their addictive sexual behavior. There also exists an auxiliary group known as COSA, for friends and family members of SAA members, similar to the role Al-Anon for friends and family members of Alcoholics Anonymous.

SAA was founded in 1977 by several men who wanted a greater sense of anonymity than what they perceived in other twelve step programs for sex addicts. SAA is open to anyone who desires greater control over their behavior, and is intended to be safe for people of all sexual orientations.

Some SAA groups screen new members before giving them meetings times or locations. Any group that uses a questionnaire or screening before allowing membership is not a true SAA group. The 3rd tradition clearly states that "The only requirement for SAA membership is a desire to stop addictive sexual behavior". Anyone that walks through the doors to an SAA meeting will be allowed participation regardless of their reason for attending whether it be legal, or fear of losing a spouse/partner/boyfriend/girlfriend, or just a life that is out of control. Sex Addicts Anonymous does not have any approved questionnaires nor do they condone use of any questionnaire prior to membership. There is a specific questionnaire that can be used to determine if a potential member is likely a sex addict, but none of the groups require a certain score in order to attend. Generally the questionnaire is used as a personal self-assessment This questionnaire, with slight modifications so that it could be used experimentally, was able to correctly differentiate self-identified sex addicts and court-determined sex offenders from a control group. When completing the questionnaire males more often perceive themselves as sexually compulsive, but score lower (show less signs of sexual addiction), on average, than females.

In SAA each member creates a unique definition of "sexual sobriety" based on abstaining from a personalized list of compulsive sexual behaviors. Members are encouraged to respect each other's definitions of sobriety. Many SAA members use a "three circle" concept to model their behaviors. The inner circle represents the compulsive sexual behaviors that must not be practiced. Inner circle behaviors might include having sex with a prostitute, or acting out with a nonconsensual victim. The outer circle includes sexual and nonsexual behaviors that are definitely healthy. Outer circle behaviors might include sex with a partner in a monogamous relationship or getting eight hours of sleep a night. In the middle circle are behaviors that are not considered a relapse (inner circle behaviors), but could quickly lead to one if left unchecked. Middle circle behaviors might include looking for a prostitute or contacting an old acting out partner.

