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Sergey Minaev

Sergey Minaev (Russian: Сергей Минаев, born January 25, 1975) - Russian writer, radio- and TV-presenter, journalist and wine importer. He is known for his scandalous novels "ДухLess", "The Тёлки", "Media Sapiens".

Minaev graduated the Russian State University for the Humanities at 1998. From 2008 to 2011 he worked on Radio Mayak and presented the broadcast "Танцы с волками" ("Dances With Wolves") and the show "Игры идиотов" (Games Of Idiots) on the Channel A One together with Igor Goncharov. From 2009 to 2012 he worked on the NTV channel and presented the telecast "Честный понедельник" ("Honest Monday"). From 2011 to 2013 he presented the internet show "Mинаев LIVE".

Minaev has been married twice and has a daughter from his first marriage and son from his second.

