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Septoria cannabis

Septoria cannabis
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Fungi
Phylum: Ascomycota
Class: Dothideomycetes
Subclass: Dothideomycetidae
Order: Capnodiales
Family: Mycosphaerellaceae
Genus: Septoria
Species: S. cannabis
Binomial name
Septoria cannabis
(Lasch) Sacc., (1884)

Ascochyta cannabis Lasch, in Klotzsch (1846)
Depazea cannabis L.A. Kirchn., Lotos 6: 183 (1856)
Didymella arcuata Röder, Phytopath. Z. 12: 321 (1939)
Phoma cannabis (L.A. Kirchn.) McPartl., Mycologia 86(6): 871 (1995)
Phyllosticta cannabis (L.A. Kirchn.) Speg., Nov. Add.: no. 150 (1884)
Septoria cannabina Westend., (1857)
Spilosphaeria cannabis Rabenh., (1857)

Septoria cannabis is a species of plant pathogen from the genus Septoria that causes the disease commonly known as Septoria leaf spot. Early symptoms of infection are concentric white lesions on the vegetative leaves of cannabis plants, followed by chlorosis and necrosis of the leaf until it is ultimately overcome by disease and all living cells are then killed. Septoria, which is an ascomycete and pycnidia producing fungus, has been well known to attack Solanaceae and Cucurbitaceae species as well as many tree species. This genus is known to comprise over 1,000 species of pathogens, each infecting a specific and unique host.

Ascochyta cannabis Lasch, in Klotzsch (1846)
Depazea cannabis L.A. Kirchn., Lotos 6: 183 (1856)
Didymella arcuata Röder, Phytopath. Z. 12: 321 (1939)
Phoma cannabis (L.A. Kirchn.) McPartl., Mycologia 86(6): 871 (1995)
Phyllosticta cannabis (L.A. Kirchn.) Speg., Nov. Add.: no. 150 (1884)
Septoria cannabina Westend., (1857)
Spilosphaeria cannabis Rabenh., (1857)

This disease only infects cannabis or hemp plants. Symptomatic responses associated with this disease will be in the form of white lesions with concentric rings on the surface of the plants vegetative leaves, as well as browning and chlorosis on infected leaves. The first symptoms of this disease will occur on the older, lower leaves of the plant. Septoria has been known to spread rapidly within a growing season and will eventually attack all of the cannabis’ vegetative growth rendering it unable to perform any biological processes and ultimately die. If the disease is extreme most vegetative tissue will be destroyed, taking away the cannabis plant’s source of sugars and ultimately turning the entire host into a sink and reducing yields come harvest. Nitrogen deficient cannabis plants are more susceptible to being infected. Though Septoria destroys vegetative growth it has little to no impact on the formation of buds. This disease was discovered in New York dating back to 1884, and was recently found and studied in North Carolina.

The disease cycle for Septoria cannabis is identical to that of Septoria tritici or Septoria of tomato except for the production of a perithecium instead of a pseudothecium. Being that it is a polycyclic disease, it can asexually produce conidia in a pycnidium which continually inoculates new hosts throughout the growing season, as well as sexually produce ascospores in a perithecium which acts as an overwintering structure. The disease survives on plant debris from the previous growing season as ascospores in a perithecium, as well as mycelium on the epidermal tissue layers of leaves. The thick cell wall of the ascospores provides protection and allows for the disease to remain in the infected growing area until favorable conditions return. When the conditions are favorable (summer-fall) the spores are released and carried by wind or raindrops to a nearby host. Once infected the disease quickly spreads via the production of conidia in the secondary cycle which is accompanied by the sexual production of ascospores. Pycnidium are formed on the leaf lesions.

