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Self-expansion model

The self-expansion model is based on two key principles. The first is that humans have a primary motivation to self expand. The second principle is that individuals often achieve self-expansion through close relationships which allow the inclusion of the other in the self.

One of the underlying themes of self-expansion is that individuals have a very basic motive to self-expand. Self-expansion is the desire to enhance an individual's potential efficacy. Motivational models often refer to self-efficacy as one's belief that they are competent and can achieve specific goals. However, within the self-expansion model, potential efficacy is used instead as it only refers to obtaining resources that will make goal attainment possible. Achievement of this goal is a secondary concern. According to the self-expansion model we increase potential efficacy by creating close relationships, which in turn, increases material and social resources, perspectives and identities. Some examples of resources include the following: social support, possessions, information, and friendship networks. Perspectives are the way we appreciate the world and ascribe causal explanations for people's behaviours. Identities refer to a person's memories and characteristics. Self-expansion is not consciously motivated. A person does not explicitly attempt to be part of a close relationship for the sole intention of increasing physical and psychological resources.

However, the motivation to self-expand still does influence attraction to others for a potential close relationship. Aron and Aron suggest that our attraction is broken down into two components based on Rotter's value-expectancy approach. Desirability is the perceived total amount of self-expansion possible from a potential close relationship. The second factor, probability, refers to the likelihood that the close relationship with the individual can actually be formed. It can also be conceptualized as the likelihood that self-expansion will occur. Consequently, individuals will seek a partner that has high social status and a greater number of resources. However, to maximize self-expansion, consideration is also given to how likely this person will be loyal and desires to be in the close relationship. Self expansion is when you motivate yourself and trust yourself .

The second principle of the self-expansion model is that people use close relationships to self expand by including the other in the self. The self is often described as the content or the knowledge of who we are. According to Aron and Aron when entering a close relationship a person should perceive that the self and other should begin to overlap by including aspects of the other in the self. More specifically, when the other makes his or her resources available, this leads to the belief that these resources are now included in the self. These new resources lead to greater inclusion of the other in the self by also incorporating the other's perspectives and identities in the self.

