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Secular Order of Druids

The Council of British Druid Orders is a neo-pagan group that holds ceremonies at Stonehenge. Tim Sebastian [Founder of CoBDO] used the title, "Archdruid of Wiltshire, Chosen Chief of the Secular Order of Druids, Conservation Officer for the Council of British Druid Orders and Bard of the Gorsedd of Caer Abiri (Avebury)."

The group is best known for presiding at mid-summer festivals held since 1999. Up to 24,000 have attended. These festivals are a successor to the Stonehenge Free Festival that was held from 1974 to 1984.

Current Membership as of 2017

In addition to the above list of members there have been numerous other members of C.O.B.D.O over the years who are not historically listed.

