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Second Class (Boy Scouts of America)

The advancement program for Boy Scouts of the Boy Scouts of America is symbolized by the earning of seven ranks. The advancement program is often considered to be divided into two phases. The first phase from joining to First Class is designed to teach the boy Scoutcraft skills, how to participate in a group and to learn self-reliance. The Scout badge is awarded when the Scout demonstrates a rudimentary knowledge of the Scouting ideals and program. Tenderfoot, Second Class and First Class have progressively harder requirements in the areas of Scoutcraft, physical fitness, citizenship, personal growth and Scout Spirit.

The second phase of Star, Life and Eagle is designed to develop leadership skills and allow the Scout to explore potential vocations and avocations through the merit badge program. The Star and Life ranks require that the boy serve in a position of responsibility and perform community service. Except for Scout rank, all ranks as well as Eagle Palms require that the candidate participate in a Scoutmaster conference and pass a Board of Review.

Merit badges and rank may be earned by any registered Boy Scout or Varsity Scout until their eighteenth birthday. Venturers and Sea Scouts who earned First Class as a Boy Scout or Varsity Scout may continue to work towards Eagle Scout in their crew or ship until age eighteen.

As the last requirement for each rank, the Scout must go through the Scoutmaster's conference and then a board of review.

The Scoutmaster conference is a meeting between the Scoutmaster or the Coach and the Scout, and is a requirement for each rank. The Scoutmaster or Coach reviews the Scout's progress and ensures all requirements have been met. The Scout is expected to show how he has grown in his understanding of the Scouting ideals, including the Scout Oath and the Scout Law, and how he has applied those ideals. The Scoutmaster or Coach will also discuss the next steps in advancement and encourages the Scout to advance.

The board of review is a group of three to six members of the troop or team committee and is the final approval process for Scout rank advancement. The board reviews the Scout to ensure all requirements are met and attempts to determine the Scout's attitude and his acceptance of Scouting's ideals and their application. The board also solicits the Scout's opinions on the troop or team program and on youth and adult leadership.

