Designer | Jim Brown |
Year | 1960s |
Crew | 1-4 |
Draft |
1.92 ft (0.59 m) (hull) |
Type | Trimaran |
Hull weight | 4,000 lb (1,800 kg) |
LOA | 31.17 ft (9.50 m) |
LOH | 28.08 ft (8.56 m) |
Beam |
18.67 ft (5.69 m) (full) |
Mast Length |
35 ft (11 m) (from trunk) |
Mainsail area | 195 sq ft (18.1 m2) |
Total sail area | 552 sq ft (51.3 m2) |
1.92 ft (0.59 m) (hull)
18.67 ft (5.69 m) (full)
35 ft (11 m) (from trunk)
The Searunner 31 is a trimaran sailboat designed by Jim Brown in the 1960s. It is the most popular boat in the Searunner series, which includes models from 25 ft (7.6 m)—40 ft (12 m).