Screen on the Green is an annual summertime event in Atlanta's Piedmont Park. Originally sponsored by Turner Classic Movies, during the last few years the event has been hosted by local Atlanta television station Peachtree TV. Screen on the Green consists of free movies shown on a large screen outdoors. The event typically draws between 5,000 to 10,000 people for each film. Through the 2007 series screen, tents, glass containers, pets, and grills are not allowed at the event.
Due to drought conditions in Piedmont Park during the 2008 and 2009 seasons, the event was temporarily moved down to Centennial Olympic Park. It returned to Piedmont Park for the 2010 season.
In 2010, several of the early movies were disrupted by altercations including several acts of random violence. While additional security was provided for later movies, many long time attendees were shaken by the events.
In 2011, Screen on the Green was cancelled because of lack of funding from Peachtree TV after a management change. Weeks later, Screen on the Green was saved by new sponsors. It was canceled again in 2012. In 2013, the event was held in Centennial Olympic Park.