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Scrabble letter distributions

English Scrabble letter distribution
(Number of tiles across, point values down)
×1 ×2 ×3 ×4 ×6 ×8 ×9 ×12
0 [blank]
1 L S U N R T O A I E
2 G D
3 B C M P
4 F H V W Y
5 K
8 J X
10 Q Z
Super Scrabble letter distribution
×2 ×3 ×4 ×5 ×6 ×7 ×8 ×10 ×13 ×15 ×16 ×24
0 [blank]
1 L U S I N R O T A E
2 G D
3 B P C M
4 V F W Y H
5 K
8 J X
10 Q Z
Afrikaans letter distribution
×1 ×2 ×3 ×4 ×6 ×8 ×9 ×16
0 [blank]
1 D O R S T I N A E
2 H L G
3 K W
4 M U Y
5 P V
8 B F
10 J
Anglo-Saxon letter distribution
×1 ×2 ×3 ×4 ×5 ×6 ×8 ×9 ×14
0 [blank]
1 G H I L D S O R A I N E
2 F M T W
3 Æ C U
4 Ð Þ Y
5 B
8 P
10 X
Arabic letter distribution
×2 ×3 ×4 ×8
0 [blank]
1 ﺡ ﺥ ﻡ ﻥ ﻩ ﻭ ي ﻝ ﺝ
2 ﺭ ﺩ ﺱ ﺕ ﺏ ﺙ
3 ﻑ ﻕ ﺫ ﺵ ﺯ
4 ﺹ ﺽ ﻉ ﻙ
8 ﻍ ﺀ
10 ﺃ ﺅ
Armenian letter distribution
×1 ×2 ×3 ×4 ×5 ×6 ×7 ×8 ×10 ×18
0 [blank]
1 Ս Կ Ն Ո Ե Ի Ա
2 Է Հ Մ Յ Պ Տ Ր Ւ
3 Վ Բ Գ Դ Ք Լ
4 Խ Շ Ռ
5 Թ Ծ Ղ Ց
6 Զ Ճ Չ Ջ
8 Ժ Ձ Փ Օ
10 Ը Ֆ
Bambara letter distribution
×1 ×2 ×3 ×4 ×5 ×6 ×15
0 [blank]
1 B M E Ɛ I K L N O A
2 R S Y U
3 D T Ɔ
4 F G W
8 C Ɲ J
10 H Ŋ P Z
Basque letter distribution
×1 ×2 ×3 ×4 ×5 ×6 ×8 ×9 ×12 ×14
0 [blank]
1 O T U N I E A
2 K R
3 D
4 B Z
5 G H L S
10 F X
Breton letter distribution
×1 ×2 ×3 ×4 ×5 ×6 ×7 ×9 ×12 ×14
0 [blank]
1 I L T U O R N A E
2 D
3 H G S V
5 P
10 F J W Y
Bulgarian letter distribution
×1 ×2 ×3 ×4 ×5 ×8 ×9
0 [blank]
1 Н П Р С Т Е И А О
2 Б К Л В Д М
3 Ъ Г
4 Ж З
5 Й Х Ч Я У
8 Ц Ш Ю
10 Ф Щ Ь

Editions of the word board game Scrabble in different languages have differing letter distributions of the tiles, because the frequency of each letter of the alphabet is different for every language. As a general rule, the rarer the letter the more points it is worth.

Many languages use sets of 102 tiles, since the original distribution of one hundred tiles was later augmented with two blank tiles. In tournament play, while it is acceptable to pause the game to count the tiles remaining in the game, it is not acceptable to mention how many tiles are remaining at any time. Several online tools exist for counting tiles during friendly play.

Diacritical marks (such as é in words borrowed from French) are ignored.

English-language editions of Scrabble contain 100 letter tiles, in the following distribution:

The total number of points is 187.

When Alfred Butts invented the game, he initially experimented with different distributions of letters. A popular story claims that Butts created an elaborate chart by studying the front page of The New York Times to create his final choice of letter distributions.

In 2004, Super Scrabble was launched. For international distribution outside the United States and Canada, and under license from Mattel, the game is manufactured by Leisure Tends' Tinderbox Games; and, for distribution within the United States and Canada, under license from Hasbro, the game is manufactured by Winning Moves. This set is composed of 200 tiles:

Super Scrabble contains more overlined and fewer underlined letters than would be obtained by combining two standard English sets.

The Afrikaans editions use these 102 tiles:

Afrikaans uses the letters Z and X, but so infrequently that there are no tiles for them in the standard set. A blank can still be used as a Z or an X. There are also no tiles for C and Q as these letters are not used at all in Afrikaans, except for in a few loanwords. These letters, however, cannot be used even if with a blank.

