Scoop is a children's TV series first broadcast by the BBC on the CBBC channel from January 2009 to December 2013 and is written by Julian Dutton, Tom Jamieson and Nev Fountain, Martin Hughes & Rory Clark. It is currently on its third season.
The show stars Shaun Williamson as Digby Digworth, an ambitious but inept journalist for a fictional local newspaper, The Pilbury Post. Each episode centres on Digby's failure to get a scoop, ending up causing mayhem and disaster instead. In each of these he is accompanied by Hacker, a dog. The show also stars Mark Benton as the newspaper's short-tempered editor, Max de Lacey and there are guest appearances by popular British TV actors such as Lesley Joseph and Mina Anwar who plays Selena Sharp, reporter for a rival paper. In one episode the writer J. K. Rowling is parodied as a novelist character called T. K. Towling, while in another Jeremy Clarkson (ex top gear presenter) is satirised with the character Clark Jameson.
The episodes are 28 minutes in length and were originally stripped (broadcast every day) across weekdays on BBC One at 3.25 pm between 5 January and 23 January.
Hacker has appeared presenting the CBBC channel since 23 May 2009 with Iain Stirling, a comedian from Edinburgh. In series one of Scoop he was operated by Andy Heath but when he began presenting CBBC he was operated by Phil Fletcher. He has been puppeteered since presenting CBBC by Phil Fletcher.
A second season began airing in September 2010 and a third began airing a new episode every day from 25 July. This was also Hacker's first appearance on CBBC.