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A Schubertiade is an event held to celebrate the music of Franz Schubert (1797–1828). Modern Schubertiades also include concert series and festivals, such as the Schubertiade Schwarzenberg.

During Schubert's lifetime, these events were generally informal, unadvertised gatherings, held at private homes. Schubertiades in early 19th-century Vienna were typically sponsored by wealthier friends or aficionados of Schubert's music. Numerous such concerts were organised from 1815 onwards in the large apartment of the Austrian jurist and patron Ignaz von Sonnleithner, later also by Franz von Schober, Eduard von Bauernfeld and many others. Schubert's friend Leopold Kupelwieser claimed to hold them on his own, writing, "I treat myself to a Schubertiade now and again".

While in those years many Schubertiades included the composer's participation, accompanying notable baritones like Johann Michael Vogl on the piano, this was not necessary; they were sometimes held in places other than Vienna, where Schubert spent most of his life, and assumed the character of a literary-musical salon. In addition to Schubert's music, they often also featured poetry readings, dancing, and other sociable pastimes. Attendees numbered from a handful to over one hundred. Notable guests were Joseph Sonnleithner, Leopold von Sonnleithner, Anton von Doblhoff-Dier, Johann Baptist Jenger, Moritz von Schwind, Ludwig Ferdinand Schnorr von Carolsfeld, Wilhelm August Rieder, Johann Mayrhofer, Johann Gabriel Seidl, Franz Lachner, and Joseph von Spaun.

