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School of Law (Trinity College, Dublin)

School of Law at Trinity College, Dublin is the oldest established law school in Ireland. It teaches law to undergraduate and postgraduate students, as well as conducting legal research and holding conferences.

There are approximately 700 undergraduate students and 150 postgraduate students in the Law School. It publishes the Dublin University Law Journal and the Trinity College Law Review. The Law School is located in House 39 on New Square.

It offers five undergraduate degrees. The Bachelor in Laws (LL.B.), Law and French (the LL.B. (ling. franc.)), Law and German (the LL.B. (ling. germ.)), Law and Business (LL.B. Bus) and Law and Political Science (LL.B. Pol. Science) degrees are all four-year honors degree programmes in Law.

The School offers five taught Master in Laws degrees. Applicants who already hold a good honors (II.1) law degree or law related degree, can apply to study for the LL.M. (Master in Laws), Master in International and Comparative Law, Master in International and European Business Law and Master in Intellectual Property Law. All four postgraduate degrees are one-year taught programmes. The School of Law also offers two postgraduate research degree programmes - the M.Litt. or Ph.D., which are conducted by research. Finally, the LL.D. is an honour reserved for outstanding legal academics.

In the freshman years of the LL.B., students study eight obligatory core law subjects:

Mentoring Freshman law students can also choose to take a language course in the university.

Sophisters (third and fourth year students) choose 60 ECTs (European Credit Transfers) in each of the two years from a wide range of modules including commercial law, tax law, human rights law, corporate governance and criminology. They are also entitled to take a module in a different field under Trinity’s Broad Curriculum programme. The marks obtained over the two final years count equally for the final degree grade.

Each module generally has three hours of lectures per week throughout the year. There are also seminars attended by groups of approximately twelve students. Freshman modules have four seminars of one hour in length throughout the year. For sophister subjects, the number of seminars varies.

