Canada's SchoolNet was a partnership run by Industry Canada to promote the effective use of information and communications technologies (ICT) in libraries and schools across the country. Many important early Canadian ICT programs fell under the SchoolNet umbrella, including Computers for Schools, LibraryNet, First Nations SchoolNet, and Canada's Digital Collections.
Notable early projects included the SchoolNet MOO and the Special Needs Education (SNE) [1] network. The MOO was abandoned by Industry Canada in 1998, but a non-profit corporation was set up to continue running the MOO under the name MOO Canada Eh!.[2]. From 1999-2001, SchoolNet funded Project Achieve MOO developed at the Knowledge Media Design Institute at the University of Toronto. The SNE was managed initially by Keenan Wellar at Ingenia Communications Corporation until 1997 when the project moved with Wellar to LiveWorkPlay until it was discontinued along with the rest of SchoolNet by Industry Canada.
The SchoolNet project was active from 1995 to the early 2000s, and the site was taken offline on June 20, 2007.