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Schistonchus caprifici

Schistonchus caprifici
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Nematoda
Class: Secernentea
Order: Aphelenchida
Family: Aphelenchoididae
Genus: Schistonchus
Species: S. caprifici
Binomial name
Schistonchus caprifici
(Gasparrini, 1864) Cobb, 1927

Anguillula caprifici Gasparrini, 1864

Anguillula caprifici Gasparrini, 1864

Schistonchus caprifici is a plant parasitic nematode in the genus Schistonchus parasitizing the caprifig (Ficus carica sylvestris). It is found in Spain and Italy.

Blastophaga psenes is the vector of the nematode bringing it to the fig tree. This species is also transported by the cleptoparasite Philotrypesis caricae (Agaonidae).

