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scRGB is a wide color gamut RGB (Red Green Blue) color space created by Microsoft and HP that uses the same color primaries and white/black points as the sRGB color space but allows coordinates below zero and greater than one. The full range is -0.5 through just less than +7.5.

Negative numbers enables scRGB to encompass most of the CIE 1931 color space while maintaining simplicity and backward compatibility with sRGB without the complexity of color management. The cost of maintaining compatibility with sRGB is that approximately 80% of the scRGB color space consists of imaginary colors.

Large positive numbers allow high dynamic range images to be represented, though the range is inferior to that of some other high dynamic range formats such as OpenEXR.

Two encodings are defined for the individual primaries: a linear 16 bit per channel encoding and a nonlinear 12 bit per channel encoding.

The 16 bit scRGB(16) encoding is the linear RGB channels converted by . Compared to 8-bit sRGB this ranges from almost 2½ times the color resolution near 0.0 to more than 14 times the color resolution near 1.0. Storage as 16 bits clamps the linear range to .

