The sketch comedy television series Saturday Night Live (SNL) has parodied Donald Trump since 1988, from his time as a real estate broker, to his popular run as host of The Celebrity Apprentice, and ultimately during his presidency.
To date, Trump has been portrayed by five SNL performers: Phil Hartman, Darrell Hammond, Jason Sudeikis, Taran Killam, and Alec Baldwin. Darrell Hammond has portrayed him most frequently (27 times), originally while in the cast in the late 1990s, and then reprising the role in a series of cameos in 2016. The other cast-members held the role briefly, with five appearances by Hartman, three by Killam, and only one by Sudeikis. Since October 2016, the role has been played by Alec Baldwin, who has made many appearances on the series through its run.
SNL has frequently paired parodies of Trump with impressions of his wives and children or, since he took office, various staff-members.
Cast member Phil Hartman was the show's first portrayer of Donald Trump, from 1988 until 1990. Hartman portrayed Trump five times, and was paired with Jan Hooks as Trump's then-wife Ivana Trump or, in one case, Marla Maples, Trump's second-wife-to-be.
The first sketch, from December 1988, shows Donald and Ivana celebrating Christmas, giving large, gold and jewel-encrusted presents to each other.
Trump is seen in the audience at the Saturday Night Live 15th Anniversary Special from 1989, where Chevy Chase spills popcorn on him.
A sketch from February 1990 parodies the Ivana Trump divorce. Ivana demands more money since Donald has been unfaithful, but he refutes this by referring to their extensive prenuptial agreement. It states, among other things, that he is entitled to have mistresses provided they are younger than she is, and that she will be paid in giant stonecoins.