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Santa Fe de Mexico (pueblo hospital)

Santa Fé de México was a Pueblo Hospital founded by Vasco de Quiroga in 1532. Its ruins are located in the town of Santa Fé in the delegación of Álvaro Obregón in western Mexico City.

In 1530 the missionary priest and confessor to the Spanish king's Vasco de Quiroga, arrived in the capital of New Spain in order to be part of the Viceroyalty of the government through the Second Audience as auditor, this experiment Fees graduate firsthand the neglect and exposure to indigenous people lived, especially Mexica that most had left children orphaned and wives widowed.

As Utopia based on the book of Thomas More organized a hospital to remedy the evils they suffered, at that time was understood as a charity hospital that included protection, culture, health and religion. To which took Acaxúchitl a hill known as "Flor de Caña" half a league from the town of Tacubaya to the west of Mexico City.

So in 1532 began the construction of various buildings that formed the Pueblo-Hospital of Santa Fe, is said Quiroga Basque lands paid for but not found any trace of the transaction, so if it is documented is that Hernán Cortés do not request any of the land that formed although they were in the middle of its Marquisate of the Valley of Oaxaca, the town was formally established by the Viceroy Antonio de Mendoza in 1537 for which sends delimit its territory and separated from the main towns around him like San Pedro Cuajimalpa, Santa Lucia and Tacubaya.

The town developed around a church whose sides were built buildings that housed medical services, community kitchen and living quarters for religious as well as separate houses for the natives by gender either alone or as families. Other buildings were dedicated to teaching jobs, such as wrought was unknown among the Mexica. Taught in the church's new Christian faith which was led initially by the Augustinian Fray Alonso de Borja and then with the laws of regularization by secular clergy. This thriving hospital with the people round about but the trips of its founder to the current state of Michoacan and his appointment as Bishop of that in 1538 allowed him to repeat in other parts of the state of Santa Fe experience, which led him to be known as a benefactor of the region and which is known as Tata Basque "Papa Basque", these people spread to New Mexico, its founder died in 1565 in Pátzcuaro Michoacán, after ensuring that they were give special tax treatment to their hospitals and the inhabitants thereof.

