The San Diego National Wildlife Refuge Complex is a series of wildlife refuges established by the United States National Wildlife Service beginning in 1972. The complex incorporates five refuges in San Diego County and Orange County in California.
The first refuges were established to preserve and protect the rare birds of Southern California's coastal marshes. In the mid-1990s, the system was expanded to protect larger areas of coastal and inland open space under the Multiple Species Conservation Program, a cooperative project involving city, state, and federal authorities. The wildlife refuge complex now supports a diverse array of habitats including coastal marshes and uplands, chaparral, coastal sage scrub, oak woodland, freshwater marsh, vernal pool areas, and breeding and nesting grounds for migratory and resident birds.
This refuge is located on the grounds of the Seal Beach Naval Weapons Station in Orange County. It includes 965 acres of saltwater marsh in the Anaheim Bay estuary. It was established in 1972 for the benefit of migrating birds up and down the Pacific Flyway as well as a variety of local birds, fish, and plants. Public access is limited to once-a-month guided tours.
This is an inland refuge in San Diego's back country. Habitats include coastal sage scrub and chaparral to oak woodland and freshwater marsh. It is part of the Multiple Species Conservation Program and includes 44,000 acres.
This area was dedicated in 1999 and includes 3,940 acres. It includes intertidal salt marsh and submerged areas with eelgrass beds. It is the largest remaining contiguous mudflat in southern California and is an important stop for migrating birds on the Pacific Flyway. The area has walking and biking paths as well as vantage points for bird watching. It includes some former salt evaporation ponds which the wildlife service is trying to turn back into natural wetland. The state Wildlife Conservation Board contributed a grant in 2010 to try to restore 65 acres of highly damaged habitat in the refuge.