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Samuel Daniell

Samuel Daniell (born 1775 in Chertsey; died in Sri Lanka on 16 December 1811) was an English painter of natural history and other scenes in Africa and Ceylon.

Daniell is perhaps best known as the appointed artist for an expedition to Africa and the renderings he did there of African animals. In December, 1799, he went to South Africa for the first time. The drawings he made in southern Africa including a journey to Bechuanaland were published by his brother William Daniell in London. During the trip to Bechuanaland he was named the official secretary and artist for the trip. The trip went from Cape of Good Hope to Bechuanaland. He returned to England from the trip and co-published with William Daniell and Thomas Daniell, African Scenery and Animals, in 1804.

He later on lived in Sri Lanka, then called Ceylon, from 1806 to his death from tropical fever. Twelve of his drawings also were published by his brother in 1806 with the title: A Picturesque Illustration of the Scenery, Animals and Native Inhabitants of Ceylon.

After Samuel Daniell's death, further engravings based on his drawings were published: In 1820, forty-eight lithographs titled Sketches Representing the Native Tribes and Scenery of Southern Africa, and in 1832, Twenty Varied Subjects of the Tribe of Antelopes.

Korah-Khoikhoi dismantling their huts, preparing to move to new pastures. Aquatint 1805.

A Hottentot, a Hottentot Woman,
a Kaffre, a Kaffre Woman,
Aquatint 1805

Khoisan busy barbecuing grasshoppers
Aquatint 1804

Trekboer making a camp
Aquatint c.1804

