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Samuel Barrett

Samuel Alfred Barrett (1879–1965 b. Conway, Alaska) was an anthropologist and linguist who studied Native American peoples.

Barrett received all three of his degrees from UC Berkeley—B.S. in 1905, M.S. in 1906, and a doctorate in Anthropology, Phonetics, and Ethno-geography 1908.

Barrett's system of naming the languages of the Pomoan group included seven names based on geographical terms: Northern Pomo, Northeastern Pomo, Southern Pomo, Eastern Pomo, Central Pomo, Southeastern Pomo, and Southwest Pomo (now more commonly referred to as Kashaya). This nomenclature has been criticized for suggesting that the various Pomoan languages are dialects of a single language, when they are in fact mutually unintelligible and therefore distinct languages.

Barrett became the director of the Milwaukee Public Museum in Milwaukee.

The final major work of his life was to produce a series of films about the peoples of Northern California such as the Pomo, particularly the Kashaya.

