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Sales Pitch

In selling technique, a sales presentation or sales pitch is a line of talk that attempts to persuade someone or something, with a planned sales presentation strategy of a product or service designed to initiate and close a sale of the product or service.

A sales pitch is essentially designed to be either an introduction of a product or service to an audience who knows nothing about it, or a descriptive expansion of a product or service that an audience has already expressed interest in. Sales professionals prepare and give a sales pitch, which can be either formal or informal, and might be delivered in any number of ways.

The first visual and audible impression upon a market or client can appeal any of the five senses in order to initiate excellent chemistry between the buyer and seller.

A way of luring in the potential candidate to ensure the overall advertisement is emphasized. Not necessarily an exchange of currency must be made but an official deal of trade or contract is desired from the pitching party. With a wide variety of selling techniques used to "pitch", it is possible to apply one or a combination in a single attempt.

Inspired by what has worked in the past from successful contributors to the art of the pitch, at least a slight modification is always required in order for it to be an authentic and most of all an effective pitch, otherwise the tone would not fit the sellers outfit and in critical situations be spotted as a fake by the candidate and in such a case defying the purpose.

For a strikingly good pitch, one must know exactly what the other party wants and doesn't want. Be informed of as much information as possible about the candidate being pitched to. Focus on a virtual balance of the candidate's needs and wants to maximize one's leverage when in the process of a pitch. Overall meaning: one gets only one chance to make a good first impression. At least two senses must connect: vision, and hearing. But the more one can connect at a single point of impact, the better.

