Sahyādrikhaṇḍa or Sahyadri Khand, written in Sanskrit, is claimed as a part of Skandapurāṇa. From the old records it can be seen that Sahyādrikhaṇḍa is a later inclusion in the original Skandapurāṇa. It contains the legend of the origin of the Chitpavans.
There is an elaborate description about the creation of Paraśurāma kṣetra. In one place the land is stated to have been created by Paraśurāma by shooting an arrow, while in another place the land is created by throwing an axe. Experts in the field of Archaeology feel that the place where Parashurama's arrow landed is believed to be the present day Goa. The Kannaḍa version contains a brief chapter called as Grāmapaddhati which describes Brāhmaṇa family names and villages, contradicting the original text that describes narrations and stories of different types of fallen Brāhmaṇas. According to Y.C.Bhānumati the Kannaḍa version has no similarities with Sanskrit Sahyādrikhaṇḍa. Many other versions are found in Marāṭhī, Hindi and English.
Sanskrit Sahyādrikhaṇḍa contains following chapters, most of the which vary from version to version as it is not a part of original Skandapurāṇa.
In this article the original Sanskrit names of the chapters have been omitted.
The chapters are as follows: