A sacrifice is a deliberate bid of a contract in duplicate bridge that is unlikely to make in the hope that the penalty points will be less than the points likely to be gained by the opponents in making their contract. In rubber bridge, a sacrifice can be also made in an attempt to prevent the opponents scoring a game or rubber on the expectation that subsequent deals can be won to offset the loss of points. Owing to the difference in the methods of scoring, a sacrifice in rubber bridge is much less likely to be advantageous.
In duplicate bridge scoring, if the opponents bid and make a game contract, it yields them 600 or 620 points when they are vulnerable and 400 or 420 points when they are not vulnerable, depending upon the strain and assuming no overtricks. Accordingly, a sacrifice will be advantageous if the resultant loss in points is less than these amounts.
Determination of the most number of tricks than can be lost to satisfy this condition is dependent upon the vulnerability of each partnership, i.e. whether one, the other, both or neither are vulnerable. The determination is also based upon the assumption that the opposition will double the sacrifice bid thereby increasing the penalty points. The table at left summarises the various scenarios and outcomes.
In summary, when the opponents are likely to make a game contract, a sacrifice bid which is doubled is viable (i.e. one will still receive a positive relative duplicate score) if one can go down no more than three tricks if vulnerability is favourable (shown in green), two if vulnerability is equal (shown in yellow) and one if vulnerability is unfavourable (shown in red).
Similar reasoning can be drawn for sacrifices against potential slam and partscore contracts and cases where one assumes that the contract will not be doubled.
A sacrifice most often occurs when both sides have found a fit during bidding (eight cards or more in a suit), but the bidding indicates that the opponents can make a game or slam contract. Also, it is possible to perform an advance sacrifice, when it is more or less clear that the opponents have a fit somewhere and greater strength. For example, after the partner opens 1♦ and RHO doubles, the following hand is suitable for a bid of 5♦, outbidding opponents' major suit game in advance: