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Standing NATO Maritime Group 2 (SNMG2) is a North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) standing maritime Immediate Reaction Force. Prior to 1 January 2005 it was known as Standing Naval Force Mediterranean (STANAVFORMED or more colloquially as SNFM).

SNMG2 is a multinational, integrated maritime force – made up of vessels from various allied nations, training and operating together as a single team – that is permanently available to NATO to perform a wide range of tasks, from participating in exercises to crisis response and real world operational missions. Usually the Force is employed in the Mediterranean area but, as required, will be available anywhere NATO requires it to deploy.

SNMG2 carries out a continuous programme of operational training and conducts port visits to know and get known in many ports in and out of the Mediterranean, in NATO and non-NATO nations. These include ports in nations that are part of the Partnership for Peace, Mediterranean Dialogue and the Istanbul Cooperation Initiative programmes.

Composition of the Force varies as naval units are provided by NATO contributing nations on a rotational basis while Command of the Force rotates among them. Nations normally contributing to the group include Canada, Germany, Greece, Italy, The Netherlands, Spain, Turkey, United Kingdom and United States. Other NATO nations have also occasionally contributed.

The composition of SNMG2 varies depending on the current contributions of nations, but generally consists of 4–8 frigate or destroyer type ships and one oiler or support ship. Command of the force rotates in one year intervals among participating countries. The commander of SNMG2 reports to the Commander of Allied Component Command Maritime Naples, one of the two component commands of Allied Joint Force Command Naples.

NATO has two Standing Maritime Groups (SNMGs) and two Standing Maritime Mine Countermeasure Groups (SNMCMGs). The Groups provide the Alliance with a continuous maritime capability for NATO Response Force (NRF) operations, non-NRF operations and other activities in peacetime and periods of crisis and conflict. The primary role of these Forces, as standing elements of their respective NRF, is the full integration and participation in the NRF, providing maritime support to operations.

Other missions that are applicable to both SNMGs and SNMCMGs include establishing Alliance presence, demonstrating solidarity, conducting routine diplomatic visits to member, partner and non NATO countries, supporting transformation and providing a variety of maritime military capabilities to ongoing missions.

