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SNO+ is a physics experiment designed to search for neutrinoless double beta decay, with secondary measurements of proton–electron–proton (pep) solar neutrinos, geoneutrinos from radioactive decays in the Earth, and reactor neutrinos. It is under construction (as of February 2017) using the underground equipment already installed for the former Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO) experiment at SNOLAB. It could also observe supernovae neutrinos if a supernova occurs in our galaxy.

The previous experiment, SNO, used water within the sphere and relied on Cherenkov radiation interaction. The SNO+ experiment will use the sphere filled with linear alkyl benzene to act as a liquid scintillator and target material. The sphere is surrounded with photomultiplication tubes and the assembly is floated in water and the sphere held down against the resulting buoyant forces by ropes. Testing (filled with water) is expected to begin early 2016, with full operation with liquid a few months after that, and Tellurium loading begins in 2017.

A neutrino interaction with this liquid produces several times more light than an interaction in a water Cherenkov experiment such as the original SNO experiment or Super-Kamiokande. The energy threshold for the detection of neutrinos therefore can be lower, and proton–electron–proton solar neutrinos (with an energy of 1.44 MeV) can be observed. In addition, a liquid scintillator experiment can detect anti-neutrinos like those created in nuclear fission reactors and the decay of thorium and uranium in the earth.

