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SL postcode area

Slough postcode area
SL is located in the United Kingdom
Postcode area SL
Postcode area name Slough
Post towns 8
Postcode districts 12
Postcode sectors 58
Postcodes (live) 10,882
Postcodes (total) 15,991
Statistics as at February 2012

Postcode district boundaries: Bing / Google

The SL postcode area, also known as the Slough postcode area, is a group of ten postcode districts in England, which are subdivisions of eight post towns. These postcode districts cover east Berkshire and south-east Buckinghamshire.

Mail for this area is sorted in Greenford (Green Park Way). In Berkshire the area covers virtually all of the borough of Slough, most of the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead and the eastern part of the Bracknell Forest district, and in Buckinghamshire it covers most of the South Bucks district, the southeastern part of the Wycombe district and a small part of the Chiltern district.

The approximate coverage of the postcode districts:

