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SKI combinator calculus

SKI combinator calculus is a combinatory logic, a computational system that may be perceived as a reduced version of untyped lambda calculus. It can be thought of as a computer programming language, though it is not convenient for writing software. Instead, it is important in the mathematical theory of algorithms because it is an extremely simple Turing complete language. It was introduced by Moses Schönfinkel and Haskell Curry.

All operations in lambda calculus can be encoded via abstraction elimination into the SKI calculus as binary trees whose leaves are one of the three symbols S, K, and I (called combinators).

Although the most formal representation of the objects in this system requires binary trees, they are usually represented, for typesetability, as parenthesized expressions, either with all the subtrees parenthesized, or only the right-side children subtrees parenthesized. So, the tree whose left subtree is the tree KS and whose right subtree is the tree SK is usually typed as ((KS)(SK)), or more simply as KS(SK), instead of being fully drawn as a tree (as formality and readability would require).

I is redundant, as it behaves the same as SKK, but is included for convenience.

Informally, and using programming language jargon, a tree (xy) can be thought of as a "function" x applied to an "argument" y. When "evaluated" (i.e., when the function is "applied" to the argument), the tree "returns a value", i.e., transforms into another tree. Of course, all three of the "function", the "argument" and the "value" are either combinators, or binary trees, and if they are binary trees they too may be thought of as functions whenever the need arises.

The evaluation operation is defined as follows:

(x, y, and z represent expressions made from the functions S, K, and I, and set values):

I returns its argument:

K, when applied to any argument x, yields a one-argument constant function Kx , which, when applied to any argument, returns x:

