Single instruction, multiple thread (SIMT) is an execution model used in parallel computing where single instruction, multiple data (SIMD) is combined with multithreading.
The processors, say a number p of them, seem to execute many more than p tasks. This is achieved by each processor having multiple "threads" (or "work-items" or "Sequence of SIMD Lane operations"), which execute in lock-step, and are analogous to SIMD lanes.
The SIMT execution model has been implemented on several GPUs and is relevant for general-purpose computing on graphics processing units (GPGPU), e.g. some supercomputers combine CPUs with GPUs.
SIMT was introduced by Nvidia:
Nvidia's Tesla GPU microarchitecture (first available November 8, 2006 as implemented in the "G80" GPU chip) introduced the single-instruction multiple-thread (SIMT) execution model where multiple independent threads execute concurrently using a single instruction.
ATI Technologies (now AMD) released a competing product slightly later on May 14, 2007, the TeraScale 1-based "R600" GPU chip.
As access time of all the widespread RAM types (e.g. DDR SDRAM, GDDR SDRAM, XDR DRAM, etc.) is still relatively low, engineers came up with the idea to hide the latency that inevitably comes with each memory access. Strictly, the latency-hiding is a feature of the zero-overhead scheduling implemented by modern GPUs. This might or might not be considered to be a property of 'SIMT' itself.