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S.C.F. Hooligans

S.C.F. Hooligans (Sport Club Feyenoord) is a Dutch football hooligan firm associated with Feyenoord. The number of supporters in the year 1990 was estimated at around 350 people (often called hooligans). The characteristics are a tattoo on the right forearm, some clothing and a hat. The group consists of a mix of men from different backgrounds, both workers and students and working fathers. There are often two distinct groups: the 'old' hard core (active from the year 1970) and the 'new' hard core (active since 1990 and violent), also known as Feyenoord third generation Rotterdam (FIIIR).

After this there came a third younger group, who frequently used hard drugs. In order to distinguish them, the SCF hooligans sometimes calls themselves 'real S.C.F.' analogy of the Real IRA. Moreover, the distinction between the 'new' hard core and the 'elusive hooligans' are thin: both groups seems a football subordinate role and is all about the riots.

Violence forms an integral part of the SCF. In clashes with rival hooligans such as F-side of AFC Ajax, there are often carried weapons (such as knives, bats and brass knuckles), but firearms are rejected. Recordings of fights are sometimes made by members to return home to see. There is a silence within the group.

Within the SCF there is clear hierarchy. Newcomers ("errand boys") can be set by the SCF 'scout' or voluntary base, where boys with acquaintances in the SCF often easier to be included. All entrants must prove themselves. Running away from battles means for example that they be put out. If they are part of the SCF, it is often 'for life', as they describe themselves. By showing strength, members can progress to a higher status. The highest status have the 'leaders' or 'controls'.

The first time the group (then often called simply "Vak S", after the fixed position in the stadium) wide in the headlines was during the final of the UEFA Cup in 1974 when Feyenoord hooligans and Tottenham Hotspur went to blows with each other, with 200 wounded. In 1982 there was a bomb thrown by a Feyenoord hooligan during a game against AZ. In 1983 followed a rebound between Feyenoord and Tottenham Hotspur, who was wide again defeated by the press, which exclude images from a Feyenoord hooligan with a knife stabbing on a hooligan from Tottenham Hotspur. In the 1980s, many vandalism committed (scrapping trains and buses) were gas station s and shopping (in the city of the party) robbed and many fights were organized, especially with Ajax and the police. The authorities and the police were, however, was and did everything to thwart the group, with success: the group disintegrated.

