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Ryan Carrassi

Ryan Carrassi (born August 1, 1971) is an Italian voice actor, score composer, film producer, screenwriter, song-writer, talent scout, writer and journalist. His credits as a screenwriter include Ring of Darkness.

Ryan (real name Nicola Carrassi), was born on August 1,1971. In 1987 he began his career as the presenter of a series of TV-shows in Italy, devoted to kids and youth audience, hosting over 4,000 hours of live TV, concerts and road shows. In 2007 The man who generated all this long and radiant career, Nicola Carrassi, leave his alternate name (Ryan Carrassi) and now devoted his life to charity programs and no profit organizations. Ryan Carrassi, a name, a brand so powerful in the last 25 years in kids and tweens worldwide market, will be kept alive, packed with the unique and legendary Carrassi's philosophy and happily oriented, in making entertainment by a group of young talented artist.

In 1990, he started a new line of creative work: voice talent, voice director, and dialog supervisor in an animated series broadcast by Mediaset, the first commercial network in Italy, France, Spain and Germany.

In 1992 he joined Telepiù (an Italian pay TV company, whose channels were bought by Sky Italia in 2003) and after a period as an actor, he became the Head of the Writers’ Department. In 1993 he was promoted to executive producer and story-writer and put in charge of localizing the company’s most important properties managed by the network.

During this period he directed the translation and dubbing of Marmalade Boy, a Japanese animated series produced by Toei Animation, titled "Piccoli problemi di cuore" ("Little Heart Problems") in Italy and broadcast by Mediaset. Carrassi also created new properties for the Milan Football Club, Panini Comics, Marvel Italia, and Mediolanum Comunicazione. One of his projects from this time, 'Cartoni&TV' is still today, one of the most famous brands appearing in books, magazines, CD collections, and other merchandising products, earning a European Animation Award.

