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Ruth Pearce

Ruth Pearce
Doctors character
Portrayed by Selina Chilton
Duration 2008–11
First appearance 18 April 2008
Last appearance 4 January 2011
Introduced by Peter Lloyd
Classification Former; regular
Occupation Receptionist
Home Boston, USA

Ruth Pearce is a fictional character in the soap opera Doctors. She was played by Selina Chilton and made her first appearance on 18 April 2008. Ruth left the practice - and the country - on 17 December 2010, but last appeared on 4 January 2011.

Ruth made her first appearance in April 2008 as the receptionist at the Campus Surgery at the University of Letherbridge. The Mill Practice Manager, Julia Parsons, was impressed with Ruth's attitude and determination to stick with the job when it became clear that the rest of the campus staff were beginning to abandon their posts. She was later taken on full-time by Julia and could sometimes be seen at The Mill. She was known for her past mental health problems and for becoming over-involved in the problems of other members of staff and patients. When she was experiencing the height of her mental health problems, she alienated her colleagues Michelle Corrigan and Daniel Granger,;Michelle by pretending to be her and eventually nearly killing a patient whilst believing she was a nurse and Daniel by telling the mother of his child about his unsavoury past. Ruth became close friends with her colleague Michelle. Michelle was there for Ruth when she was subjected to the abusive bullying of her ex-boyfriend and helped her to become more confident and strong enough to leave him for good.

Ruth began to show signs of mental illness and hearing voices when she started to believe she was to blame for the death of her twin sister Vicky, who was stillborn. This, plus the fact that her mother blamed her for the death and for being the 'stronger twin', was a major contributing factor to Ruth's declining mental health into adulthood. Whilst ill, Ruth started a relationship with her friend Michelle's half brother, Adam, (with whom Michelle had briefly had a relationship, not knowing that they were related) who did not know she was ill, or that she worked with Michelle. She led him to believe that she was a nurse. The relationship came to light when Michelle discovered that Ruth had impersonated her on a number of occasions. For this and other issues, Ruth was sectioned under the Mental Health Act. Michelle was very angry with Ruth and vowed never to speak to her again, despite being told that it was because of Ruth's condition rather than malice.

