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Russia Beyond

Russia Beyond
Russia Beyond the Headlines - logo.jpg
RBHT - NY Times insert.jpg.png
Russia Beyond The Headlines insert in 20 November 2015 international edition of The New York Times
Type Newspaper, website
Format Broadsheet, Tabloid, Berliner
Publisher Yevgeny Abov
Language English, Chinese, Spanish, Hindi, Portuguese, French, German, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Italian, Bulgarian, Greece, Macedonian, Serbian, Croatian, Slovenian.
Headquarters 24 bld.4 Pravdy Street
Moscow, Russia
Circulation 2.2 million
Website rbth.com

Russia Beyond or RBTH, originally called Russia Beyond the Headlines, is a multilingual news and information resource that offers news, comment, opinion and analysis on culture, politics, business, science and public life in Russia. It is part of Rossiyskaya Gazeta, which is owned by the government of Russia.

Russia Beyond is cooperated with more than 40 influential partners in 30 countries of the world. RBTH also has 21 websites in 17 languages. RBTH has an audience of 10.2 million around the world.

In its print supplements and on its websites RBTH covers current affairs and public phenomena in Russia. RBTH gained the trust of readers of leading newspapers all over the world on 4 continents.

On 5 September 2017, RBTH dropped the last two words of its full name, becoming Russia Beyond. The look and feel of the English edition was also refreshed substantially, removing all of things regarded distracting on screen when reading a story or watching a video.

RBTH is a link between Russia and the world.

RBTH collects, selects and publishes in foreign languages topical reports about Russian politics, public life, culture, business, science, history and other areas that are usually not covered by foreign media for their domestic audiences.

Russia Beyond is a news and information resource sponsored by the Rossiyskaya Gazeta publishing house.

Rossiyskaya Gazeta is a general-interest daily newspaper, offering its readers a diverse and quality content and receiving income from commercial advertising and sales of the paper.

RBTH has editorial and output teams, separate from Rossiyskaya Gazeta, that prepare material for publication in print supplements to foreign media outlets and on its own websites in different languages.

The RBTH editorial team consists of the Central Desk, which produces material shared across countries and regions, and of regional clusters, where this material is adapted to specific countries, adding themes relevant for a particular region. In addition, each regional division of RBTH publishes material on bilateral relations with Russia.

Russia Beyond the Headlines has been criticized for being a para-governmental Russian propaganda organisation.

RBTH operations are financed by Rossiyskaya Gazeta as well as from RBTH income from sponsorship and commercial advertising.

Foreign partners taking part in the printing and distribution of RBTH print supplements (sections) receive full or partial compensation of their costs associated with the production of the Russian supplements (paper, printing, distribution) as well as for providing RBTH with additional services in promoting the supplements and in studying readers' feedback.

