In baseball statistics, run average (RA) refers to measures of the rate at which runs are allowed or scored. For pitchers, the run average is the number of runs—earned or unearned—allowed per nine innings. It is calculated using this formula:
Run average for pitchers differs from the more commonly used earned run average (ERA) by adding unearned runs to the numerator. This measure is also known as total run average (TRA) or runs allowed average. For batters, the run average is the number of runs scored per at bat.
Although presentations of pitching statistics generally feature the ERA rather than the RA, the latter statistic is notable for both historical and analytical reasons. For early leagues or leagues for which statistics must be calculated from box scores, such as the Negro leagues, data on earned runs may be unavailable and RA may be the only statistic available. The analytical case for RA appeared as early as 1976, when sportswriter Leonard Koppett proposed that RA would be a better measure of pitcher performance than ERA. Subsequently, sabermetrician Bill James wrote, "I think that the distinction between earned runs and unearned runs is silly and artificial, a distinction having no meaning except in the eyes of some guy up in the press box."
In baseball, defense—that is, preventing the opponent from scoring runs—is the joint responsibility of the pitcher and the fielders. ERA attempts to adjust for some of the influence of the fielders on a pitcher's runs allowed by removing runs that are scored because of fielding errors—that is, unearned runs. However, removing unearned runs doesn't adequately adjust for the effects of defensive support, because it makes no adjustment for other important aspects of fielding, such as proficiency at turning double plays, throwing out base stealers, and fielding range. Errors are the only aspect of fielding that ERA adjusts for, and are generally regarded as a small part of fielding in modern baseball.