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Rudolf Leuzinger

Rudolf Leuzinger (Netstal, December 17 1826 - Mollis, January 11 1896) was a Swiss cartographer. He is known as one of the most prolific cartographers in Switzerland and one of the best interpreters of mountain landscapes and geologic forms. Leuzinger was also the first to produce terrain maps in color lithography. His more than 300 maps are a rare combination of accuracy, scientific thoroughness and artistry and earned him several national and international honors.

Rudolf Leuzinger was the son of master carpenter Jacob Leuzinger and Barbara Weber. As a youg orphan, he grew up in the ‘Linthkolonie’, an educational institution for poor children and orphans near Ziegelbrücke, Canton of Glarus. In 1851 he married Barbara Trumpi and in 1859 he married her sister Rosina Trumpi. Leuzinger died at the age of 69 from heart failure.

In 1844 after a brief apprenticeship with a stonemason in Wädenswil, Leuzinger started as an apprentice at the lithographic section of the geographic institute Wurster & Comp. in Winterthur which at the time was led by the cartographer Jacob Melchior Ziegler. After completing his apprenticeship, he worked for several years as a cartographer on the topographical maps of the Canton of St. Gallen and Canton of Appenzell (16 sheets, 1849-1851), the Atlas of all Continents (1851), the hypsometric Atlas (1856) and the topographic map of the island of Madeira (1856). Own work from that period concerns maps of the Canton of St. Gallen, Canton of Ticino, Canton of Graubünden, Canton of Glarus and Canton of Freiburg as well as a map of the island of Sumbawa.

