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Ruby Rose (character)

This is a list of characters who appear in RWBY, an original anime-style CG-animated web-series created by Rooster Teeth Productions.

According to series creator Monty Oum, every character's name is tied to a specific color. There will be other teams with their name combining to form acronyms that are also tied to a color.

Oum designed the characters with assistance from artist Ein Lee. Oum had been browsing Lee's Deviant Art work and asked if she wanted to do some designs. The only rule provided for the series was "everyone must be badass." Lee also said that some of the characters were conceived between her and Oum, where he would provide a description followed by her sketching some ideas, or vice versa. Others were from brainstorming with other people. The characters utilize designs inspired by classic fairy tale characters. Each character has an associated color, and it is the first letters of these colors, red, white, black, and yellow, that give the series its name. Lee said that looking to people, Google image searches, and fashion were inspirations: "how people dress– down to the littlest detail—gives many subtle (and some not so subtle) hints about who they are. It’s all about giving the characters a unique and memorable look that people can still identify with." Oum also drew inspiration from the Final Fantasy video games and the "ridiculously obnoxious weapons".

The series is written by Oum, along with fellow Rooster Teeth employees Miles Luna and Kerry Shawcross. Oum was initially concerned about a story focusing on female characters being developed by a primarily male crew, but said they managed to do well developing the female characters.

Team RWBY (pronounced "ruby") is composed of four female students from Beacon Academy. Each member is associated with a color and alludes to a character in the fairy tale world.

The title character of the show is a 15-year-old girl who typically dresses in a black dress and a red cloak. She wields Crescent Rose, a scythe that can transform into a high caliber sniper rifle. Her Semblance is called "Speed", enabling her to run faster than the human eye can catch, and change directions in mid-air.

