The Supreme Council of the Royal Arcanum, commonly known simply as the Royal Arcanum, is a fraternal benefit society founded in 1877 in Boston, Massachusetts by John A. Cummings and Darius Wilson, who had previously been among the founders of the Knights of Honor, a similar organization, in Kentucky. The Royal Arcanum home office is located in Boston, Massachusetts.
The Royal Arcanum was found by Dr. Darius Wilson, who had also played a prominent role in the foundation of the Knights of Honor, American Legion of Honor and the Royal Society of Good Fellows, as well as being a prominent official in the Order of United American Mechanics, Ancient Order of United Workmen, a Freemason and an Oddfellow. For three years he had tried to convince the knights to adopt a graded assessment plan, but to no avail. Therefore, he decided to create his own society that would work on the plan. To make sure he would have control over the direction of the group, he wrote its ritual, constitution, beneficial plan, passwords and even designed the organization's emblem himself. On June 23, 1877, he called together a group of his friends at 1066 Washington Street, Boston and initiated them as the first Supreme Council of the new order. Among the other participants was J. A. Cummings, at that time Grand Vice Dictator of the Knight of Honor in Massachusetts, who was offered, but refused, the post of Supreme Regent of the Royal Arcanum.
The structure of the Royal Arcanum follows a three tiered system. Local groups are called "Subordinate Councils" or "Councils" which consist of at least 16 members who meet the qualifications of its elective officers. Five Councils in a given state, territory, Canadian province or any two of the same, with at least 1,000 members may petition the Supreme Council for institution as a "Grand Council". The highest authority is the biennial Supreme Council. This basic organizational structure has not changed substantially since the nineteenth century, nor has the group's headquarters moved from Boston.