Rosemary Siemens is a violinist and singer, formerly from Plum Coulee, Manitoba. She has received a considerable amount of recognition, and has collaborated with artists such as Roy Tan, Eli Bennett, Orlando and Grace Sukkau, and Mary Zilba.
She has been called Vancouver’s improvisational violin sensation. She plays a 300 plus year old violin which was played in King Louis XIV’s orchestra. She is also a recipient of the Global Music Award Gold Medal.
She grew up in Plum Coulee, and went to school in Altona. After she graduated, she went to the University of British Columbia, where she did her undergrad. She then attended the University of Miami for her master's degree.
She was a member of Destino, a group founded by Joey Niceforo. Originally the group was a trio consisting of Niceforo, Siemens and Roy Tan. Later the group was expanded to a quartet with the addition of Terance Reddick. Some of the venues they appeared at were the Beijing Summer Olympics, the Vancouver Winter Olympics and the Miss America pageant in Las Vegas. They have also appeared on NBC and ABC TV networks, Entertainment Tonight, Canada AM, and E-talk.
Her debut solo album was Plum Coulee, My Home which was inspired for her love of local fiddle music. The album was a roots-type of project for her as it is about the town where she comes from. She officially debuted the album in a live event backed by her group, The Sweet Sound Revival.
In April of 2016 after she finished a set at a California art museum, she left her violin and amplifier outside the hotel room while she and a friend were carrying other items outside. Not long after, the violin, along with its bow, were stolen. Police were called and a search proceeded to find the stolen violin. Hours later, Siemens received a text from a friend that a man had returned the violin to the hotel.
In 2012, Siemens and Roy Tan recorded the Once Upon a Dream album. It was produced by Daryl Bennett.
In March 2016, Siemens on piano, along with Eli Bennett on saxophone and Jessee Sukkau on vocals backed Mary Zilba of Real Housewives. They recorded a single "#VancoUBER" and released it on Youtube as part of a growing desire to see Uber in Vancouver. Also in 2016, Siemens collaborated with recording artists Orlando and Grace Sukkau from Winkler, Manitoba. The three of them opened the Coulee Foundation annual general meeting, performing an original composition about Plum Coulee. While at the Americana Music Association’s Gospel Brunch in September 2016, she shared the stage with Grammy winner Cece Winans during the event's during the closing jam.