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Romulan starship

Romulan Star Empire
Star Trek costume - Romulan.jpg
A mannequin of a Romulan female wearing a 24th-century military uniform. Note the ridged forehead that in some series and films distinguishes Romulans from Vulcans.
Founded circa 5th century AD
Home world Romulus
Capital(s) Romulus
Official language(s) Romulan (see: universal translator)
Romulus and Remus
Planet type Class M planet
Notable locations Beta Quadrant
Notable people Romulan Star Empire
Genre Appears in "Unification" / "The Defector"
(also appears in Star Trek: Nemesis and the 2009 Star Trek films)
First appearance "Balance of Terror"
Last appearance Destroyed in 2387
(See Star Trek film)

The Romulans are an extraterrestrial humanoid species in the science fiction franchise Star Trek. First appearing in the original Star Trek series in the 1966 episode "Balance of Terror", they have since made appearances in all the main later Star Trek series: The Animated Series, The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Voyager and Enterprise. In addition, they have appeared in various spin-off media, and prominently in the two films Star Trek: Nemesis (2002) and Star Trek (2009).

Throughout the series, they are generally depicted as antagonists, and are usually at war with or in a tenuous truce with the United Federation of Planets. On extremely rare occasions, they have allied with the Federation.

The Romulans also act as a counterpoint to the logical Vulcan race, whom they resemble and with whom they share a common ancestry. As such, the Romulans are characterized as passionate, cunning, and opportunistic — in every way the opposite of the logical and "cold" Vulcans. The Romulans are the dominant race of the Romulan Star Empire. Although Star Trek Star Charts place the Romulan Empire's territory in the Beta Quadrant of the galaxy in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, they are referred to as an Alpha Quadrant power.

