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Robot Master

In the original Mega Man series, the term "Robot Master" refers to a special kind of robot or android that possesses a very advanced level of artificial intelligence. There are roughly one hundred thirty six Robot Masters. According to series canon, the Robot Master AI system is jointly credited to Dr. Thomas Light and Dr. Albert Wily. Most Robot Masters possess a unique identification code, consisting of a two-letter "series code" followed by one of N, No, or #, then a three-digit "serial number" (except for the Genesis Unit, which uses two digits).

Robot Masters have AIs vastly superior to the smaller, minor robots within the Mega Man universe. This, even more than their generally humanoid appearance (Sniper Joes are also humanoid in appearance, yet obviously inferior to Robot Masters) is what separates Robot Masters from other advanced robots. They often are designed with a particular strength or element in mind, thus allowing them to thrive in specific environments. Robot Masters tend to be programmed with human-like personalities and quirks, advanced enough to fool most people into believing them to think and act of their own accord. However, this is not true, as the Mega Man X series states X as the first robot to truly be able to think for himself. Robot Masters have a certain capability of thought and will—this allows them to be decisive on the battlefield, yet cannot generally operate beyond certain guidelines. There have been some exceptions, but every one of these occurrences has been explained in some way—such as the robot being faulty to begin with or could have malfunctioned due to damage incurred.

NOTE: Some of these Robot Masters have NetNavi counterparts in the Mega Man Battle Network series. The ones that have them will be noted.

It must also be noted that the term "Robot Master" is not used in Japan.

DLN is the series code for Light Labs, literally standing for "Dr. Light Number". In Japan, their code is DRN, for "Dr. Right Number", though some early Mega Man titles erroneously use the DRN code.

