Robert G. Picard (born 1951) is an American writer and scholar.
One of the leading academic experts on media businesses and media policy economics, he is considered the father of the media economics studies (although he rejects the idea it is separate discipline, but rather economic perspectives applied to media). He has taught at both Harvard University and University of Oxford. He is the author and editor of more than 30 books including Handbook of the Economics of the Media, The Economics and Financing of Media Companies, Media Product Portfolios, Media Economics: Concepts and Issues, and Joint Operating Agreements: The Newspaper Preservation Act and Its Application.
He is a senior research fellow at the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism at University of Oxford, a fellow of the Royal Society of Arts,a fellow at the Information Society Project of Yale University Law School, author of the blog The Media Business, and was previously editor of the The Journal of Media Economics and Journal of Media Business Studies. He was formerly Director of Research at the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism and a research fellow at Green Templeton College, Oxford.
Among his most important contributions have been the co-development of a method for assessing the economic contributions of copyright to national economies that is used by the World Intellectual Property Organization, analyses of the effects of media subsidies and other public support on companies and markets, and studies exploring the economic influences on media behaviour.