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Robert Currey

Robert Currey
Robert Currey 2010.jpg
Born (1955-09-24)24 September 1955
Dundee, Scotland
Occupation Astrologer
Awards Lifetime Achievement, Kolkata, India 2016
Website www.equinoxastrology.com

Robert Currey (born 24 September 1955), is an astrologer and entrepreneur.

In 1981 he founded the astrological company Equinox and in 1989 The Astrology Shop in Covent Garden, the first prime location store to be dedicated to astrology, which became a well-known London haunt for astrology enthusiasts. This gained an international reputation due to Currey's pioneering development of computerised astrological reports, and developed a global reach through subsequent outlets in the USA and Australia. As an astrologer Currey specialises in Astrocartography - a form of locational astrology in which he was certified by the technique's leading developer Jim Lewis.

Currey has been consulted on and appeared in various televised documentaries which feature astrology. These include Strictly Supernatural for the Discovery Channel,The New Age for Channel 4 and Solar Empire for Discovery TV. He has appeared in the media as an astrological spokesman concerning several points of controversy, including time twins, precession of the Zodiac/13th sign confusion, and on BBC Newsnight to respond to Richard Dawkins. In 2010, his reply to Professor Brian Cox's comment that "astrology is a load of rubbish" caused the physicist to refer to Currey in his televised Huw Wheldon memorial lecture as someone who flew the flag for irrationalism. Currey has also made media reports for mundane astrological predictions.

Currey has also acted as a trustee of the Urania Trust, a registered astrological charity. In 2016, he was awarded a Lifetime Achievement award at the 26th International Conference organized by the Institute of Vedic Culture and Krishnamurti Institute of Astrology, Kolkata, India.

