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Risa (Star Trek)

RachelisEnterprise-D transports plasma plague samples to the Rachelis system.

Rahm-Izad – Planet Captain Picard says holds the last missing DNA fragment to throw off the Cardassians in their hunt for the genetic secret of the origin of humanoids species.

Rakal – Planet in Cardassian space with a secret underground base located on its fourth moon.

Rakella Prime – Homeworld of the Vok'sha species.

Rakhar – Planet where Odo transports a Rakhari prisoner.

Rakosa V – Delta Quadrant planet, home of the Rakosian species. The planet was mistaken by the Cardassian Dreadnought missile as the planet Aschelan V. The missile was destroyed by the USS Voyager before it could impact the planet where it would have killed over 2 million inhabitants.

Ramatis III – Home of the deaf-mute negotiator Rivas.

Ram Izad homeworld – Planet in the Delta Quadrant located near Krenim space. In an alternate timeline, the entire Ram-Izad species was erased from history by a Krenim temporal superweapon.

Ramura – Homeworld of the Ramurian species.

Rana IV – Also called Delta Rana, Rana IV is planet with three moons whose Federation colony was wiped out by the Husnock species.

Ranous VI – Ens. Sonia Gomez, newly assigned to the Enterprise, mentions that she might have been assigned to duty on Ranous VI.

Ranza V – Planet mentioned for its frozen drink called Darmok.

Regula – A once lifeless planetoid until Federation scientists used it as a testing ground for the Genesis experiments.

Regulak IV – Cardassian planet destroyed by Dominion forces.

Regulus – Star system with three inhabited planets, Regulus III, IV and V. Regulus III has Starfleet Academy facilities. Regulus V is the home of giant Eel Birds that return after 11 years to the cavern where they hatched to mate.

Reina VI

Rekag-Seronia – The Enterprise-D takes a mediator to this planet that is home world to both the Rekag and Seronian people.

Relva VII – a Mars-like planet (possibly Class K) with a Federation base on the surface. Starfleet Academy also has a campus here which Wesley Crusher tried to gain acceptance into.

Remmil VI – Planet whose natives spin a crystalline webbing and use it as a building material. In 2371, Odo's criminal report speaks of a group of Nausicaan thieves break into a museum there.

Remus – The tide-locked companion of Romulus and home of the Reman species who have been enslaved by the Romulans. It, alongside Romulus, was destroyed by the Hobus Supernova.

Rha'darus – Former Klingon controlled planet, annexed by neighboring alien culture who later abandons it.

