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Riesz-Thorin theorem

In mathematics, the Riesz–Thorin theorem, often referred to as the Riesz–Thorin interpolation theorem or the Riesz–Thorin convexity theorem is a result about interpolation of operators. It is named after Marcel Riesz and his student G. Olof Thorin.

This theorem bounds the norms of linear maps acting between Lp spaces. Its usefulness stems from the fact that some of these spaces have rather simpler structure than others. Usually that refers to L2 which is a Hilbert space, or to L1 and L. Therefore one may prove theorems about the more complicated cases by proving them in two simple cases and then using the Riesz–Thorin theorem to pass from the simple cases to the complicated cases. The Marcinkiewicz theorem is similar but applies also to a class of non-linear maps.

First we need the following definition:

By splitting up the function f in Lpθ as the product | f | = | f |1−θ | f |θ and applying Hölder's inequality to its pθ power, we obtain the following result, foundational in the study of Lp-spaces:

This result, whose name derives from the convexity of the map 1p ↦ log || f ||p on [0, ∞], implies that Lp0Lp1Lpθ.

On the other hand, if we take the layer-cake decomposition f  =  f1{|  f  |>1} +  f1{|  f  |≤1}, then we see that f1{|  f  |>1}Lp0 and f1{|  f  |≤1}Lp1, whence we obtain the following result:

