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Richard Woodhams

Richard Woodhams (born June 17, 1949 in Palo Alto, California) is an American oboist and recording artist. He is currently Principal Oboe of the Philadelphia Orchestra and Professor of Oboe at the Curtis Institute of Music.

At the age of fifteen, Woodhams was accepted by the Curtis Institute and began study with John de Lancie. Immediately following his graduation in 1969, he won the position of Principal Oboe with the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra. He assumed the position of principal oboe of the Philadelphia Orchestra in 1977, succeeding his teacher. He succeeded de Lancie as oboe instructor at the Curtis Institute in 1986. He is faculty member at the Aspen Music Festival and has taught at the Luzerne and Sarasota Music Festivals, among others. Currently, he gives weekly private lessons to the four oboe students at Curtis, and holds weekly wind classes.

Woodhams's teachers include Raymond Dusté, John de Lancie, John Mack, Robert Bloom, and Jean-Louis LeRoux.

Woodhams's students hold principal positions in many major orchestras, such as the Houston Symphony (Jonathan Fischer) Pittsburgh Symphony (Cynthia Koledo DeAlmeida), Baltimore Symphony (Katherine Needleman), Los Angeles Philharmonic (Ariana Ghez), Atlanta Symphony (Elizabeth Koch), and New York Philharmonic (Liang Wang); other students in major orchestras include Robert Walters, English Hornist of the Cleveland Orchestra, Shea Scruggs, Assistant Principal Oboe of the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra, Jonathan Blumenfeld, Second Oboist of the Philadelphia Orchestra, and Susan Spector, Second Oboist of the Metropolitan Opera Orchestra.

