Rich Boehne (born 1958) is Chairman of the Board, President and CEO of The E.W. Scripps Company.
Boehne studied at Highlands High School. He has a Bachelors in Communication and Journalism from the Northern Kentucky University (NKU), by whom he was described as “one of [their] most successful alumni.
Boehne started his career selling subscriptions for The Cincinnati Post, while he was in high school. Having graduated school, he worked at The Cincinnati Enquirer as a part-time reporter. Once he had his Bachelor’s Degree, he joined a chain of community newspapers, where he progressed while Suburban Communications (the company owner) bought and consolidated various Midwestern family-owned publications.
He started working at Scripps in 1988 in the capacity of Manager of Investor Relations and a year later, Executive Vice President. He soon after became Director of Communication Efforts for the firm, simultaneously participating in the group that worked on the company’s long-term strategic planning and development. In 1995 he became a Vice President.
In 2008 when Scripps separated into two publicly-traded companies, Boehne became Chief Operating Officer of the newly-formed firm. While he was Director of Communication, Investor Relations and Media Relations at the firm, he headed the Scripps Howard National Spelling Bee. In 2011 he took on the role of an Acting Head of the Newspaper Division of Scripps. He became Chairman of the Board in 2013, taking over from Nackey Scagliotti who had held the position for five years.