Ribbon is a component of rhythmic gymnastics composed of a handle (called "stick"), a ribbon and attachment.
This can be of any colour and made of wood, bamboo or plastic with a maximum diameter of 1 cm (2/5") at its widest, a cylindrical or conical shape and should have a length of 50–60cm (20–24") (including the fastening ring). The bottom end of the stick may be covered by an adhesive, anti-slip tape or may have a rubber handle for a maximum length of 10 cm (4") at the level of the grip. The top of the stick, where the ribbon will be attached, may consist of:
The ribbon is made of satin or another similar material cloth of any colour, it may be multi-coloured and have designs on it. The ribbon itself must be at least 35g (1 oz), 4–6 cm (1.6–2.4") in width and for senior category a minimum length of 6m (20') (5m (16.25') for juniors).
The ribbon must be in one piece. The end that is attached to the stick is doubled for a maximum length of 1m (3'). This is stitched down both sides. At the top, a very thin reinforcement or rows of machine stitching for a maximum length of 5 cm is authorized. This extremity may end in a strap, or have an eyelet (a small hole, edged with buttonhole stitch or a metal circle), to permit attaching the ribbon.
The ribbon is fixed to the stick by means of a supple attachment such as thread, nylon cord, or a series of articulated rings. The attachment has a maximum length of 7 cm (2.8"), not counting the strap or metal ring at the end of the stick where it will be fastened.
Compulsory elements for the ribbon include flicks, circles, snakes and spirals, and throws. It requires a high degree of coordination to form the spirals and circles as any knots which may accidentally form in the ribbon are penalised. During a ribbon routine, large, smooth and flowing movements are looked for.