Rewilding means to return to a more wild or natural state; it is the process of undoing domestication. The term emerged from the green anarchism and anarcho-primitivism political theories, in which humans are believed to be "civilized" or "domesticated" by industrial and agricultural progress. Supporters of rewilding argue that through the process of domestication, human wildness has been altered by force.
Rewilding is about dismantling the culture of human domestication and returning to the lifeways of pre-agrarian human cultures. Though often associated with primitive skills and learning knowledge of wild plants and animals, it emphasizes regenerative land management techniques employed by hunter-gatherers and horticulturalists, as well as development of the senses and fostering deepening personal relationships with members of other species and the natural world. Rewilding intends to create permanently wild human cultures beyond domestication.
Rewilding is considered a holistic approach to living, as opposed to skills, practices or a specific set of knowledge.
Rewilding is most associated with green anarchy and anarcho-primitivism or anti-civilization and post-civilization anarchism in general.
Within a modern and scientific social context, rewilding entails both experiential and "book knowledge" to produce a community that is both respectful of individual liberties and beneficial to all involved, including all non-human species. Participants in such events and communities directly reap the benefits of the communities' actions and efforts. Instead of seeking to "return" to an earlier state of human existence or go "back to the land", rewilding seeks to take the experiences and time spent here in civilization and combine the lessons that have been learned from both the past and the present to create a more ideal society.
In 2012 musician/clown Zack de la Rouda, released the album "Rewild Or Die"