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Revolutionary Age

The Revolutionary Age was an American radical newspaper edited by Louis C. Fraina and published from November 1918 until August 1919. Originally the publication of Local Boston, Socialist Party, the paper evolved into the de facto national organ of the Left Wing Section of the Socialist Party which battled for control of the Socialist Party throughout the spring and summer of 1919. With the establishment of the Left Wing National Council in June 1919, the paper was moved from Boston to New York City gained status as the official voice of the nascent American communist movement. The publication was terminated in August 1919, replaced by the official organ of the new Communist Party of America, a weekly newspaper known as The Communist.

During the decade of the 1910s, Boston was at the time one of the centers of the foreign language federations of the Socialist Party of America — organized groups of immigrants conducting their activities in languages other than English. Many of these foreign language groups, particularly those hailing from the Russian empire, were deeply inspired by the Marxist revolutionary movement which overthrew the Tsarist regime in 1917. This emerging revolutionary left in the Socialist party sought to advance its ideas through the establishment of radical newspapers.

The immediate forerunner of The Revolutionary Age was a newspaper called The New International, issued n New York under the auspices of the Socialist Propaganda League. This paper was launched early in 1917, but ran out of funds by summer, forcing its outright suspension from the middle of July until the start of October 1917. Only a few irregularly appearing issues of The New International were issued after that date due to these ongoing financial concerns, leaving a void for the emergence of a new revolutionary socialist publication.

