Reiko Kudo (工藤礼子) is the partner of Tori Kudo of the Japanese underground music group Maher Shalal Hash Baz. In the late seventies and early eighties, while still known under her maiden name of Reiko Omura, she led a unit called Noise. Noise played in Tokyo underground venues like Minor (alongside groups like Fushitsusha and Kousokuya), and released one album, Tenno. As well as often singing with and writing songs for Maher Shalal Hash Baz, Reiko is an accomplished musician in her own right, having created several albums of limpid, lucid observation and an exceedingly fragile sense of melody.
Interview. Heaven Express, volume 9, 1981 (Japanese)
Interview. Taajii, volume 4, 1997. pp. 56–57 (Japanese)
Interview. Le Grande Illusion, issue 4, 2006 (Japanese)